Meridian Water Four

We were part of a large consortium of practices shortlisted for Meridian Four,  the second phase of the Meridian Water masterplan which will deliver 2,300 new homes – of which 40% will be affordable – along with a hotel, student accommodation, a primary school, commercial spaces, shops and social infrastructure.

Led by Mae, our team were formed around a core of collaborating London based practices from ‘Londonon’ - a rolling research and residency programme in cities around the globe.

Only firms which teamed up with a practice 50% led by people of colour, a 50% women-led practice, and a local outfit from Edmonton were eligible to bid for Meridian Water’s latest commission to deliver 800 rented council homes at the heart of the masterplan.

Our scheme centred on the creation of a new homes built around an interplay of new existing green blue, and new neighbourhood designed to nurture economic, environmental and social sustainability. We see its current characteristics - a longstanding industrial presence, combined with abundant wild nature - as an opportunity rather than a challenge. Our holistic approach to architecture, landscape, programming and economic enrichment, would see it become an exemplar of city redevelopment, combining nature and production with sustainable living and a benchmark for innovative 21st century city-making.

Tags: Residential


Enfield Council

Architectural Team
Mae, Morris+Company, Freehaus, JA Projects, Haptic, Gort Scott, Coffey Architects, BBUK, Create Culture


Competition Shortlist


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